
Sunday, October 19, 2014

DepEd Dabarkads: The Group To Watch

DepEd Dabarkards
DepEd Dabarkads
1. Department of Education groups, public or secret, are beginning to sprouting out like mushrooms after a thunderstorm.

2. They're created for various aims and purposes. Others are just for a limited membership for camaraderie, companionship. Some are organized to get more traffics which in return are earning from social media.

3. Sad to say, there are pages or groups which are not following their legitimate purpose of organizing them. They have served as an outlet of expressing their dissatisfaction to our government, to our agency in particular.

4. As they grow in membership, their group deviates from its sole purpose of helping the members in terms of instructional materials, among others.

5. Non-deped persons, entities joined without screening them. In short, the group has become center of business venture.

New Group in the Making

6 Just this afternoon, I come across with a new group and request to join with it. I notice for merely three days since its creation, it has already more than nine hundred members including myself.

7. DepEd Dabarkads is the humble title of this group. It is created to unite DepEd personnel who could contribute good practices and experiences in relation to their job

8. And eventually it could improve member's well being as an efficient, effective catalyst in the field of education.

9.. Membership in this group covers DepEd agency all over the country to have a better and well representation of the DepEd institution. Private educational institution is even qualified to join with this group.

Page Description

10. This group was created to unite all DepED people, sharing good practices and experiences for the betterment of a member. This was launched on the clamor of many DepEd employees [who aren't] not being entertained on their

11. Members of this group comprise of different positions/designations in the Department, from the Central office, Regional Offices, Division Offices, District Offices to Schools... thus make it a wholesome representation of the Institution.

12. Private School Employees are all welcome here. No discrimination. -Admin

13. Sir Ellie Magpantay created the group in the morning of October 16, 2014 as admin together with Sir Billy Vega and Sir Kenjie Garque as his co-admins. And as of this writing, it has a membership of 936.

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